SOAK, Grim Town, Mini Review

Grim Town
Mini Review

I believe that I discovered this album after I heard enough about it from a local record store near me, but while I enjoyed the little snippets of what I did hear from SOAK's latest album Grim Town, I didn't get round to reviewing it fully; meaning that this week would  a perfect opportunity to write about such a project.

Grim Town is the second album from the singer/songwriter from northern Ireland, who goes under the alias of SOAK. True to the albums title, this album has been described as a kind of dystopia that the artist had created in their mind. And I feel that with the introduction that the dialogue-based intro to the album was a very effective way to drop us the listener into this dystopian theme very cleverly.

What follows musically, is either melancholic or bittersweet in its sound, and I feel that the generally bleak yet wholesome atmosphere created by Grim Town remains consistent throughout.

The titular town that had been created with this album is meant to be a more graspable and physical representation of SOAK's own mental state at the time of making this project. And I do feel that this translates quite well, and is incredibly creative to boost.

Revisiting the idea of being "bittersweet" in parts, Grim Town is apparently "lighter in sound, but darker in theme". I definitely appreciate this juxtaposition greatly, and it reminded me a little of the hope I would push on to myself to get through the toughest of times.

But all artfulness and sentiment aside, this album is also just a very enjoyable and musically pleasing experience with a lot of depth in its echoing sound.

Favourite track: Maybe

Thank you for reading

Booth Boy


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