YONAKA, Don't Wait 'Til Tomorrow, Album Review

Don't Wait 'Til Tomorrow
Album Review

YONAKA has been a name that's been fluttering around my city of Brighton for quite some time now. And while I never really gave it too much thought, I was wondering in the back of my mind when I'd be able to come across a full-length album of theirs. That moment finally came to fruition on Friday with their debut record Don't Wait 'Til Tomorrow.

Prior to the release of this debut album, I was lucky enough to see YONAKA perform live at the Prince Albert the Wednesday prior, and gave the pre-released title track a listen or two to tantalise my taste for YONAKA's music.

Fortunately, I was instantly enchanted by both the title track and the live performance. Both seemed to convey a very authentic energy that also felt very engaging.

The full album only elevated my existing excitement towards this band. The style that YONAKA have is incredibly solid and seems fully realised. I would describe their style as a well-mixed combination of VUKOVI's dynamic energy, the same level of groove as Anteros and a dash of Foals level atmosphere. All of these similarities combine perfectly to create a truly infectious album.

I would also like to take this moment to rave about the sheer quality of this album. The standards set by this album is honestly comparable to second or even third effort made by other bands. It's incredibly easy to see that a tonne of time, effort and care went into making sure that this album was as good as it could possibly be.

Normally, I find many albums that could be labelled as "modern rock" to be problematic at times and somehow, the novelty of many of these types of album wears off after a short time. However with Don't Wait 'Til Tomorrow still feels incredibly fresh. And while I know it is still very early days for the album, its enjoyability definitely gives me the incentive that this albums novelty is one that can easily last until they release another record further down the line.

In terms of how enjoyable the songs are, this album shares a lot of similarities with VUKOVI's self-titled debut album back in 2017. it feels very fresh and exciting. but most importantly, the majority of tracks seem to carry a perfect balance of being completely epic and incredibly fun.

I am still under the process of solidifying my memory of how each track sounds. However, it is clear that this album is abundant in stellar tunes. "Awake", "Guilty (For Your Love)" and "Fired Up" are just a few examples of this. Every track on here carries the same aesthetic, while all being different in terms of composition.

In short, YONAKA have proven themselves as one of the UK's most exciting bands this year thanks to this corker of a debut. It makes me even more proud than usual to live in a city as culturally rich as Brighton. Honestly a magnificent first album of what will hopefully become a brilliant discography. I am very excited to see what this band has in store for the future.

Thank you for reading.

Booth Boy


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