Psychedelic Porn Crumpets, And Now for the Whatchamacallit, Album Review

Psychedelic Porn Crumpets
And Now for the Whatchamacallit
Album Review

It is near impossible for an artist to share similarities with so many existing artists. I say "near impossible" because somehow, someway, a band that I have recently discovered, known as Psychedelic Porn Crumpets, manage to pull it off perfectly on their latest record.

On their third release, named And Now for the Whatchamacallit, this band combines a colourful range of musical styles, making the tracks on this album sound like near inconceivable amalgamations of music from The Beatles, Mastodon, Royal Blood and Muse, just to name a few. this all culminates to create one of the most dynamic, exciting and fun pieces I have heard in a fair while, even with the overload of incredible music in recent months.

I am a little bit late to the party with this review, with this new album being dropped on the 31st May. However, when I finally discovered the album (on my "discover weekly" Spotify playlist in fact), I knew that I just had to review this record and show it some love.

As for the band themselves, Psychedelic Porn Crumpets have been a name swimming around in my subconscious for some time. Firstly, the band could be seen on the line-up for The Great Escape festival, a yearly music festival which has become a stable of Brighton and Hove. Secondly, it's fair to say the name is hard to forget. However, this is the first time I have really taken the time to listen to their music. I was surprised, in the best way possible.

Knowing that the band has "psychedelic" in their name, my assumption was that this band's style was going to trace that of psychedelic rock. In a way, this assumption was correct. However, PPC take it to such an exciting level that it totally blew any idea I had of modern rock bands being having uninspired and obnoxious music completely out of the water.

I loved this genre of music in my mid-teen years, and honestly thought I had grown out of it at this point. This band and their fantastic album totally changed how I feel about it, and that in itself is a gargantuan achievement.

As for the colourful fusion of styles and influences, it seems most apparent on the album's second track "Bill's Mandolin". So if you're wondering how my observation makes any sense, listen to that track first and it should really help you get an idea of what this band is about.

Jumping into the other great tracks on this album, "Hymn For A Droid" has a marvellously off-the-wall, bouncing riff to back up a vocal style which reminds me of early 00's Brit-pop in some way. Separate to this, other great songs include "Social Candy", "My Friend's A Liquid" and "When In Rome"

I also have to give a shout-out to the incredible instrumental tracks. "Digital Hunger" excels in displaying the bands creativity and talent. "Fields, Woods, Time" is loaded with gorgeous atmosphere, and despite only being a brief interlude, I would argue that it is one of the most enjoyable interludes of the year so far.

While we are on the subject of 2019 in music, I can conclude this review by deeming Psychedelic Porn Crumpets as one of the most exciting artists that I have discovered in 2019. this album is truly a testament to just how innovative, talented and fun they truly are.

Thank you for reading

Booth Boy


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