Anderson .Paak, Ventura, Album Review

Anderson .Paak
Album Review

It was only about 5 months ago that I remember reviewing Oxnard, the third studio album by R&B/ Soul artist Anderson. Paak. But somehow, someway, he has managed to come through with yet another full-length masterpiece under the name of Ventura.

Both Oxnard and Ventura were apparently being developed at around the same time, but were obviously released a few months apart. According to an interview with .Paak, this album was meant to act as the prettier sounding juxtaposition to Oxnard's grittiness, which I believe was accurately portrayed in the two albums.

Its fairly easy to see that .Paak's train of thought when releasing Ventura soon after was to essentially strike while the iron is hot thanks to the success of Oxnard. And strike this album most certainly does!

This album sees the artist showcasing an even more soulful and jazzy sound than the last instalment, and with this I feel that it fleshes out Anderson .Paak a little more as a truly one-of-a-kind artist with an insane versatility. I would also claim that this album has done the best to really show .Paak in his element. He really seems to be the biggest driving force of this record as a whole.

While this album is understandably a bit shorter with a runtime of around 39 minutes rather than Oxnard's 56, my overall opinion of the album in comparison to the last is that while the amount of good songs are fewer, those few songs are absolutely phenomenal. In short, this album seems to favour quality over quantity in some sense.

And while I was about a week late when I discovered that this album had been released, it took me no time at all to recognise that this was a great album. This is mostly thanks to just how amazingly the album started. The first single to play; "Come Home" was the perfect track to listen to after the shackles of winter begin to fall off as well as an amazingly immersive beginning to the album. Not to mention that the feature on this track from Andre 3000 feels incredibly nostalgic and has an amazing beat switch to better suit his signature rapping style.

Following this is one of the albums teaser tracks "Make It Better" which is a truly heart-warming and cosy tune that really hits you in the feels (especially for those in a long-lasting relationship thanks to its romantic lyricisms). Completing the first three tracks is the triumphant sounding "Reachin' 2 Much" that is divided into two very complimentary segments, both of which I really enjoy.

And while the enjoyment definitely doesn't stop there, a few tracks that come afterwards do come as a bit of an underwhelming experience in comparison. The worst offenders are "Twilight" with its droning rhythm, "Chosen One" that simply feels too uncoordinated and messy, and "Good Heels", which is a pretty ok slow jam but still pretty lacklustre. Other than that, this album is a majestic thing to behold.

As the summer starts to roll in, Ventura really is an essential listen for those who really want to get into the summer spirit. It really is the kind of album that will leave you wincing with satisfaction. It is a highly soulful and truly gorgeous experience.

Thank you for reading,

Booth Boy


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