Talkslow, Live at The Hope & Ruin, Thursday 12th September 2019

Live at The Hope & Ruin
Thursday 12th September 2019

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The 12th September 2019 marked the live debut for three-piece pop group Talkslow, and while this may be a new name to many people, it'll be one that you'd definitely want to try and remember.

I was incredibly excited to see Talkslow, not only because of all of their amazing singles, but also my personal connection with the band that goes very far back.

To add a bit of context as to why Talkslow's first live show was such an important moment for me, I will need to shgare a bit of backstory, and it all begins with a band named Episodes.

Episodes were one of the first bands I knew that a friend of mine was part of. With this, me and a bunch of other schoolmates ventured into the town of Worthing to see them play at a local venue, which was known as the Vintner's Parrot at the time. Me and many others fell in love with the sound of Episodes, and consequently I continued to see them play.

As well as this, I owe Episodes a lot, as I reckon they were one of the first bands to truly get me into the live music scene. And considering all of the content I create now, this love for live music has certainly grown since then.

But unfortunately, nothing great lasts forever, and Episodes eventually split up. And what followed was a long hiatus for each of the bands members.

Fast forward to one day when I was visiting my barber (who happened to be the father of the Episodes bassist). And making conversation, as you do, it eventually led to me expressing how much I missed Episodes, which was when my barber happened to mention, that three of the four former Episodes members, were beginning to regroup.

Episodes consisted of a vocalist, guitarist, bassist and drummer. These members (minus the vocalist) would group together once more to become Talkslow, adopting a replacement vocalist as a way to develop a sound that they truly wanted to achieve. This sound leaned far more towards pop than in Episodes, where they instead had more of a mixture between pop and rock. Narrowing down their sound more definitely seemed like a good idea however, as their songs feel a lot more fleshed-out and fully realised.

Eventually, the bassist moving up north meant that Talkslow would become a three-piece, and they would remain this way by the time that they paid a visit to The Hope & Ruin, for their debut live performance.

Given the history of Talkslow's members, this live set isn't really the same as a debut live set from another local band, as their experience and talent would allow them to shoot straight up to headline status in the case of this evening. Supporting Talkslow, was the amazing solo pop artist Seeva, and singer/songwriter Ysabel Bain.

While I wasn't there for the entire set, what I did hear from Ysabel Bain sounded amazingly soulful, and an effortlessly feel-good way to kick the evening off. Her supporting musicians and backing singers added a multi-layered depth to her sound, filling the room with beautiful noise.

Seeva is another artist that I know personally, and to be able to see him perform once again was a big bonus on top of the chance to see Talkslow perform for the first time in Brighton.

His vocals were quite frankly, remarkable! And along with the masterful production, Seeva has already shown to step up to Years and Years level already.

It was a moment that me and many others have spent months waiting for, but it was finally nearing the time, for the people who almost single-handedly shown me the potential of how fun local live music can be, to return home to the stage once more.

In a set that lasted approximately 45 minutes, Talkslow were able to play all 5 of their released singles, as well as a few new-sounding ones. It definitely feels like the band have something big approaching, which we as fans were lucky enough to get a little sneak peek of.

There are dozens of good things I can say about the band and their live set. But if I had to pick the most prominent reason I enjoyed it so much, it would need to be their on-stage charisma and just their stage presence in general. It was so clear to see that once they started playing, every member of Talkslow were absolutely in their element.

On top of this, it was the first time I met the vocalist in person, but his live vocals and his cool and collected persona really tied everything together in terms of the bands unique chemistry, which I might add, was yet another thing to write home about with their set.

Concluding the set with the single that started it all "Stole My Love", Talkslow showed everyone what they were about instantly.

Even when removing all of my biased opinions of my friends band, Talkslow is a band that I would still want to see, even if I didn't know them personally. I would highly recommend seeing them when they next play a show, before that one sells out as well.

Keep your eyes peeled for this band. you can thank me later.

Thank you for reading,

Booth Boy


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