The Black Eyed Peas, MASTERS OF THE SUN VOL. 1, Album Review

The Black Eyed Peas MASTERS OF THE SUN VOL. 1 Album Review Listen on Spotify Listen on Apple Music Ladies and gentlemen, The Black Eyed Peas have still got it! When a friend of mine suggested that I should listen to the new Black Eyed Peas single "RING THE ALARM pt.1 pt.2 pt.3" shortly after its release, it would be fair to say that I was fairly reluctant. Seen as I virtually grew up listening to the Peas , I grew a little tiresome of the direction that they were going towards in the late 2000's in which they were essentially trading their traditional hip-hop inspired roots for a more accessible electro-pop sound. However, upon my first listen of the new track I got one of the most pleasant surprises of the whole year! "RING THE ALARM" was a stellar track from the very get-go, with an engaging and upbeat production with some masterful lyrics to match. I found it comparable to material released by some of hip-hop's most relevan...